

How to be a member?

You can be a member by attending our 15 minute PMES (Pre Membership Education Seminar) and complying the necessary requirements. Office hour is from 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

How much do I need to pay?

With a minimum of P1970.00 you can be member of our cooperative and instantly have your SHARE Capital and Savings Account. And we encouraged all to be a full-pledge member by an initial deposit of P6870.00 and enjoy the Mortuary and Hospital insurance Benefits.

What are the requirements needed for membership?

All we need is two(2) valid Id’s and TIN number. Attend our PMES and pay the necessary dues.

What are the benefits of being a member?

You will enjoy the Mortuary Benefits and Hospital Insurance Benefits (within a year of membership)

You can avail the wide variety of deposit product and loan products.

You’ll be a part of a Billionaire Cooperative
